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announcing INNA's final year (all good things must come to an end)

Hello friends,
I have news and gratitude to share.

The last 15 years at INNA have been truly beautiful and extraordinary, and I am so grateful for your support, encouragement, and kindness over the years. INNA has been a meaningful and challenging effort, and I consider myself fortunate to have been able to pour all my passion and dedication into it.

This is my bittersweet news: this upcoming year will be INNA’s last. I wanted to tell you about this as soon as possible, so you could enjoy the fruit (preserves) of our labors while we are still around.

Believe me, this has not been an easy decision to make. There’s no problem with INNA that is causing this upcoming closure - INNA is good! Thanks to you! It’s simply time for a personal change - being a jam maker and running a jam company has been fulfilling work, but also hard work. It’s time for me to change gears and make space in my life for other things. What started as a neighborhood foraged fruit preserving hobby has grown beyond my wildest dreams! We have worked hard, with care and dedication, to strive for excellence in everything we do at INNA - I’m so proud of all that we’ve accomplished. This final year will be the careful and intentional culmination of this beautiful INNA project.

I realize that this might be sad news for many of you, and I am deeply humbled by your appreciation of our work. I don’t take it lightly that you’ve welcomed the food we make into your homes and lives. I would love this final year to be a celebration - an opportunity to enjoy the ephemeral deliciousness of the incredible fruit we are so lucky to preserve, for just a little bit longer.

We will be working hard to keep you supplied as best we can for the next twelve months or so, and I expect to have a wide selection of products and gifts available for this holiday season. I’m hoping to keep our shop well stocked for the next year, to allow you to take advantage of this last chance for stocking up your pantry and gift giving.

The essence of our work at INNA has always been about holding onto the beauty, joy, and deliciousness of a fleeting moment: preserving the brief glimpse of peak season fruit, extending that unparalleled flavor a little longer. Like all things, INNA itself is a fleeting moment. Thank you for sharing this meaningful moment with me. It is the greatest honor, truly.

With my deepest gratitude,