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flavor king PLUOT jam


A unique California fruit, the flavor king pluot is a cross between a plum and an apricot. This superb varietal has the perfumed, floral brightness of a plum and the nectary sweetness of an apricot. The complexity and depth of flavor of this fruit is astounding and lingers on the palate. This deep, sultry jam is wonderful stirred into Greek yogurt or baked into a tart.


"These jams capture the essence of the fruit so perfectly and so deliciously that it almost seems wrong to mix them with other flavors… The flavor king pluot jam concentrates the essence of the pluot… A treat!"
- Elizabeth Segran / Jam Experiments


INGREDIENTS: organic flavor king pluots (grown in Parlier, California), organic unrefined cane sugar, fruit pectin

SIZE: net weight 10 oz (284 grams)

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